Our professionals have decades of experience assisting law firms in all phases of litigation, including discovery requests, financial analysis, funds tracing, damages calculations and critiques, and expert witness reports and testimony.
Litigation Support
We help clients in each stage of a dispute, including early case assessment and discovery, damages analysis, depositions, and trial and settlement or services.
Expert Witness
Our professionals leverage years of creating and critiquing high-profile, multi-million dollar damages claims in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to provide comprehensive expert reports, rebuttal arguments, and testimony at deposition and trial.
Forensic Accounting
We have extensive experience providing forensic accounting services related to fraud investigations, trustee and beneficiary disputes, and white collar matters.
Services provided:
Lucas Sayin
Partner, Spire
We understand what we're asking for and why. Our engagement teams are staffed with experienced professionals who know how to drive the process. What now separates one audit firm from another is not rooted in traditional CPA expertise that provides technical textbook answers. Rather, expertise necessitates context. In today’s world, auditors need to understand the operating environments of the auditees' businesses, to balance and integrate technical textbook requirements with real-world business implications.
Change is inevitable in today's economy. Whether that's market dynamics, technological disruption or advancement, mergers and/or acquisitions, organizational change management will always be necessary because it deals with a single fact: how people adjust to change. Our team has decades of experience in structuring, facilitating, and assisting with change programs in Hawai‘i, on the mainland, and overseas. We have developed a proprietary methodology that we believe can stretch across cultures and communities.
With consulting teams located in both Hawai‘i and mainland U.S.A., our diversely-experienced consulting professionals combine deep local ties, knowledge, and expertise with national and international experience. Our multi-dimensional work process leverages and adapts Best Practice methods that are nationally proven, to meet local conditions. Our local knowledge of organizational culture and community dynamics is what sets us apart from other CPA and consulting firms.
We are equipped to conduct in-depth assessments of an organization’s current state of technology readiness—spanning security, systems management, network configurations, customer-facing websites, CRM, software applications, and much more.
Our leaders have inspired technology sea changes in some of the largest organizations in the United States and around the world.